Upcoming Events

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September 19  | Book launch party: Counting Feminicide: Data Feminism in Action
Catherine D'Ignazio's new book documents the creative, intellectual, and emotional labor of feminicide activists across the Americas who are at the forefront of a data ethics that rigorously and consistently takes power and people into account. More about the book.
4:30-6:00 pm (ET)

September 19  | Department of Architecture Fall 2024 Lectures
Dorte Mandrup: The connectedness between place and form
In-person and streamed on YouTube. Upcoming fall lectures.
More information. Registration required to attend in-person.
6:00 pm (ET)

September 20  | MIT Mobility Forum Fall 2024
Weekly seminar series showcasing the groundbreaking transportation research taking place across the Institute. Lectures are online and open to all. Lecture list for semester
Topic: Reflections on the growing field of transport and health. Speaker: Daniel Rodriguez.
12:00-1:00 pm (ET)

September 23  | ACT Fall 2024 Lecture Series
Ann Duk Hee Jordan — "Worldbuilding in times of ecological disruptions: Embracing artificial stupidity, the digital gaze, and the power of analog movements and natural intelligence"
ACT Cube (E15-001)
6:00 pm (ET)

September 25  | Morningside Academy for Design Fall 2024 events
Lecture: Navigating design with curiosity and conviction with Kevin Bethune
More information
10:00-11:00 am (ET)

September 25  | Building Climate and Sustainability Ventures
Hear from founders with a passion for impact who are finding funding and scaling innovative ventures to help to build a better world by solving climate, energy, and sustainability challenges. More information. Virtual session. Pre-registration required
5:30 pm (ET)

October 4  | The Design-Politics of Inhabited “World-Heritage” Sites
Hosted by the Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism, this symposium will highlight case studies that focus specifically on the ways that urban design politics infuse the urbanization of inhabited places that have been recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage sites in the Global South. Information and registration.
Long Lounge (7-429)
10:15 am-3:00 pm (ET)

October 7  | ACT Fall 2024 Lecture Series
Atif Akin — "morph, mutant, myth"
ACT Cube (E15-001)
6:00 pm (ET)

Ongoing | CONFLUENCE: Art, Science, Technology, and Creativity 
MIT Media Lab's Tod Machover is featured in CONFLUENCE, a PBS-TV series dedicated to art, science, technology, and creativity
Episode 2, "Material World" View on PBS


Through September 29 | Damp Skin: The Porous Urbanity and Individual
A collaborative project exploring the impact of East Asia’s climate on post-modernized cities, focusing on memories, body perception, and everyday cultural phenomena affected by humidity and heat, featuring work by Cheng-Hsin Chan (SMArchS ‘24), INA Wu (MArch ‘25), and Zhi Ray Wang (SMArchS ‘25).
Wiesner Student Art Gallery (W20)

Through October 5 | off the pedestal
Among the works included in this group exhibition is ACT lecturer Laura Anderson Barbata’s Intervention: Indigo.
Artist reception: Tuesday, September 17, 5:00-7:00 pm
Emerson Contemporary, 25 Avery Street, Boston

Through January 25, 2025 | Wordplay at ICA Boston
ACT's Renée Green's Space Poem #1 is on view as part of the Wordplay exhibition.
Institute of Contemporary Art Boston
25 Harbor Shore Drive, Boston

Ongoing | 20 Years of Mapping the [In]visible
An exhibit marking the twentieth anniversary of the MIT Senseable City Lab’s work to better understand the evolving relationship between the physical and digital worlds to reflect on ​​the social, ethical, and scientific aspects of our cities.
More information.
MIT Museum


Virtual exhibitions and activities
ACT lecture archive | Connect here
Department of Architecture lecture channel | Connect here